About Us
About US
Established in 1845, First Presbyterian Church of Pensacola, Florida is located in the heart of downtown Pensacola. The church has approximately 450 members and draws congregants from all around the greater Pensacola area.
Our vision is to be a church that shares the Good News of Jesus Christ with everyone in our community. We are not, and do not strive to be, either a “conservative” or “liberal” church. Instead, we are committed to being a welcoming church, one that embraces and respects a diversity of views. We believe that our faith in God unites us in ways that are far greater and far more important than the issues that too often divide other churches.

Our pastors and staff are here to help you! Read more about the church staff, including how to contact us.

Ministry Teams
FPC is governed by elected elders who are collectively referred to as the Session. Learn more about our elders and the ministry teams they lead.
What We Believe
Presbyterians believe that the scriptures of the Old and New Testaments are the inspired Word of God and that they are the source of those truths by which people live. The belief that Jesus Christ is the Son of God is central in Presbyterian doctrine. God, through Jesus, revealed God’s very self to human beings. The Trinity (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) is a part of every act of worship and every baptism, and it assures the full blessing of God at the close of each service.
We also believe that true salvation is determined by God alone, not by our good deeds. Our good works are the fruit of our salvation, which is evidence that we are growing in grace and knowledge of God. Salvation is a gift of God. Forgiveness, grace, and salvation are obtained through a personal relationship with God.
Basics of Presbyterian Theology:
- God governs all that God has made.
- Worship is gratitude expressed in praise of God.
- Jesus Christ stands at the center of what we believe and do.
- Scripture is the final authority for what we believe and do.
- We are to serve God with heart, soul, and mind in every aspect of our lives.
- We are to lead lives of discipline and simplicity.
together in My name, I am there in their midst.”
Matthew 18:20