Ministry Teams

Ministry Teams​

The work of First Presbyterian Church of Pensacola is divided among several ministry teams. Each team focuses on particular kinds of tasks. For example, Congregational Care and Fellowship focuses on helping folks who may be ill, homebound, or going through a difficult time.
Each team is led by an elder who serves as the Team Moderator. Other elders may also serve on Teams in supporting roles. Elders are nominated and selected by the congregation each year. The session meets on the third Tuesday of each month, and the Clerk of Session for 2022 is Diane Davis.
The elders and meeting times for each ministry team are listed below. If you have any questions, needs or a desire to join one of our ministry teams, please contact the staff members for that team.

First Presbyterian Church Pensacola ministry team

Human Resource & Development

Worship & Music


Education & Spiritual Development

Stewardship & Finance

Congregational Care & Fellowship

Outreach & Service

Child Discovery Center Council

Clerk of Session

Mary Jane Bass ’27

“For where two or three have gathered
together in My name, I am there in their midst.”
​Matthew 18:20