Sunday Worship Service (10 a.m.)
Sunday Worship
Sunday worship at First Presbyterian Church begins at 10 a.m. in our sanctuary. All are welcome! Sunday School classes begin at 9 a.m. Communion is served on the first Sunday of each month.
Worship is an opportunity each week to offer praise and thanks to God. It is when we are reminded of who God is and who we are as God’s children. We gather together regularly to worship and affirm our belief in the sovereignty of God and believe worship is the vital heartbeat of our relationship with Christ. The shaping of each week’s worship is focused on the intersection of the day’s scripture lesson and the current happenings of our community and world. Through Scripture, sermons, music and prayer, this time is a central part of our week that gives us opportunities to learn, grow, rally together and celebrate as a family of faith. You are MOST welcome to join us!

If you miss a sermon, don’t worry! Video recordings of all services starting on March 22, 2020 are available in the video player below and on the FPC Pensacola YouTube Channel.

First Presbyterian has an outstanding music program led by Music Director and Organist Tina Buran. Our church service incorporates both traditional and contemporary elements into our musical selections on Sunday mornings. Our Sanctuary Choir, Sanctuary Ringers, and First Praise Band feature many talented musicians. Music Programs

Holiday Services
In addition to our Sunday services, we also have services for Ash Wednesday, Holy Week and Christmas Eve. For more information about holiday service dates and times, email, call 850.438.9619 or visit our Facebook page.

Special Services
One of the most meaningful roles of the church is to join the celebration of joyful moments, grieve with those experiencing loss and ground significant life events in faith and community. Some of these significant moments benefit from planning or deeper reading. Below you’ll see literature about how and why we celebrate infant baptism as well as our wedding policy. For any further questions, please feel free to call the church offices!
“For where two or three have gathered
together in My name, I am there in their midst.”
Matthew 18:20
together in My name, I am there in their midst.”
Matthew 18:20