Outreach & Service
There are many ways First Presbyterian Church connects with the community to love God and our neighbors. We would love for you to join us!
Outreach and Service Ministry Team Meetings are on the first Tuesday of every month at 5:30 PM.
Email office@fpcpensacola.com for more information about upcoming outreach and service projects.
United Ministries
United Ministries was started by a number of downtown congregations in 1987 to help effectively and cohesively help families in crisis who are experiencing the inability to cover the cost of basic needs. This includes emergency assistance with rent and utilities along with providing emotional and spiritual support. United Ministries is actively looking for more intake volunteers.
Manna Food Pantries
Manna Food Pantries provides emergency food to households in the Escambia and Santa Rosa County areas. Our church makes constant donations of cash and food collected by our congregation. There are also opportunities to help work in their organic gardens that help provide fresh produce. First Presbyterian are financial partners with Manna.
JUST Pensacola
JUST Pensacola, or Justice United Seeking Transformation in Pensacola, is an interfaith organization that actively uncovers injustice and mobilizes the community through the power of organized people to create and win just, fair, and effective solutions. Our 16 (and growing) member congregations empower our community through research, training, and taking direct action that addresses the root causes of poverty and injustice. FPC was a founding member of JUST in 2018. Our mission is based on the biblical mandate to “DO justice” (Micah 6:8). Each congregation’s Justice Ministry Network Members play an important role in accomplishing this mission.
Loaves and Fishes Soup Kitchen
Loaves and Fishes Soup Kitchen provides approximately 6,200 meals per month to those experiencing homelessness. It is also a haven for families who can stay in the emergency family shelter for up to two weeks. Along with being financial partners with Loaves and Fishes, many FPC members are committed volunteers at the kitchen and they welcome anyone else who would care to join them on the first Saturday of every month!
Loaves and Fishes also has an Emergency Family Shelter to house families on a temporary basis. They provide emergency shelter for up to 10 families, for up to three weeks at a time. First Presbyterian in the process of remodeling one of the emergency shelter’s rooms.
Habitat for Humanity
Habitat for Humanity is a national, non-profit Christian housing ministry working in partnership with local churches to provide homes for local citizens. The Pensacola chapter of Habitat is one of the largest and most effective in the country. First Presbyterian has been a lead church in this effort, donating money and working on Saturdays to build these homes. Each year, First Presbyterian Church works with other faith communities in Habitat’s Faith Build (usually in May).
Disaster Recovery Assistance
When natural disasters affect the Gulf Coast area, we send teams of volunteers to help folks get back on their feet. Most recently, Hurricane Michael hit our presbytery, Presbytery of Florida. First Presbyterian Church makes trips as needed to help in first-response situations, but also financially through Presbyterian Disaster Assistance..
Westminster Village
Westminster Village is an affordable rental retirement community that welcomes low-income older adults aged 62 and over to our studio and one-bedroom apartment homes. First Presbyterian donates annual Christmas bags to residents, offers bingo, and has an annual ice cream social.

Cents-Ability is one way that families, congregations, and presbyteries can support the battle against hunger and poverty. Every member is invited to contribute a few cents at every meal. Funds are then used to support local hunger ministries, as well as national and international projects through the Presbyterian Hunger Program.
Look for collection jars in the middle of the tables at the Wednesday night dinners (WNAF).

Child Discovery Center

Resale Shop