QUIRING, Robert Thomas

Rev. Robert Thomas Quiring

Senior Pastor

QUIRING, Robert Thomas

Rev. Robert Thomas Quiring

Senior Pastor

Rev. Robert Thomas Quiring started as Senior Pastor at First Presbyterian Church in July 2017. As Senior Pastor, he is the head of staff and worship leader, as well as the moderator of the Session.

Robert grew up in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma. He graduated from Austin College in Sherman, Texas in 2006 and received his Master of Divinity degree from Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary in 2010. During seminary, he served as a Young Adult Volunteer for the PC(USA) in Nairobi, Kenya.

Robert previously served for seven years as an Associate Pastor at Knox Presbyterian Church in Naperville, Illinois. While in Naperville, Robert met his future wife, Catherine, who is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor and Pensacola native. They have two amazing children, Emma and Brian.

Robert enjoys spending time with his family, playing guitar, reading and sharing his love of Jesus and people.


850.438.9619 ext. 103

Rev. Joan Hedrich Wooten, Ph.D.

Parish Associate

Rev. Joan Hedrich Wooten, Ph.D.

Parish Associate

As Parish Associate, Rev. Joan Hedrich Wooten leads the pastoral care efforts for First Presbyterian Church. She is the staff representative for the Congregational Care and Nurture ministry team, and she helps lead worship and preaches during services.

Joan received her Ph.D. in Theology and Ethics at Union Presbyterian Seminary in Richmond, Virginia in 2018. Before moving to Florida in 2003, she served as Presbyterian Campus Pastor to Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia from 1993 to 2001. Ordained in 1982 by National Capital Union Presbytery, Rev. Wooten served on active duty as a Navy Chaplain from 1982 to 1990 and in the Navy Reserve from 1990 to 2013. She retired from the Navy in January 2013 with the rank of Captain.     

She has served as Stated Supply Pastor of First Presbyterian Church, Crestview (2003-2005); First Presbyterian Church, Milton (2006-2008); and Navarre Presbyterian Church (2008-2012). She was Interim Pastor of Lafayette Presbyterian Church in 2015.


850.438.9619 ext.109

Tina Buran

Director of Music, Organist


Tina Buran

Director of Music, Organist

Tina Buran has been with First Presbyterian Church for more than 45 years. She currently serves as the church's primary organist, and she leads all music programs, including the sanctuary choir, sanctuary ringers and worship band.

THOMAS, Sherrell

Sherrell Thomas

Director of Child Discovery Center

THOMAS, Sherrell

Sherrell Thomas

Director of Child Discovery Center

As Director of the Child Discovery Center, Sherrell Thomas leads the CDC staff. The CDC was established in 1965 as the first integrated childcare center in three counties as one of the primary missions of First Presbyterian Church.

850.438.9619 ext. 113
Bri-Greyheart First Presbyterian Church Pensacola

Bri Grayheart

Office Manager

Bri-Greyheart First Presbyterian Church Pensacola

Bri Grayheart

Office Manager

As Office Manager, Bri Grayheart is the primary office coordinator for First Presbyterian Church. Her duties are varied, as most office tasks go through her first. Bri also assists with designing the church bulletin each week and the monthly newsletter. 

850.438.9619, ext. 102

Linda Black

Building and Grounds Supervisor


Linda Black

Building and Grounds Supervisor

Linda Black is the Building and Grounds Supervisor at First Presbyterian Church, overseeing the upkeep and maintenance for the various church properties.

850.438.9619 ext. 120
KEEBY, Patricia

Patricia Keeby


KEEBY, Patricia

Patricia Keeby


Patricia Keeby is one of the primary custodians for First Presbyterian Church. Patricia has been with FPC for many years and plays an important role in ensuring the church remains a welcoming environment for all.

SMITH, Robert

Robert Smith


SMITH, Robert

Robert Smith


Robert Smith has been at First Presbyterian Church for many years as one of its primary custodians. Robert helps keep FPC clean and inviting for members and visitors.